The Seedkeep Foundation has the following charitable purposes:
The advancement or relief of poverty.
The advancement of education for the public benefit particularly, but not exclusively to advance education for the benefit of disadvantaged people or groups in or from the Yorkshire region.
The advancement of health or the saving of lives.
The advancement of citizenship or community development.
The advancement of the arts, culture, heritage or science.
The advancement of amateur sport
The advancement of environmental protection or improvement.The relief of those in need because of youth, age, ill-health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage.
The promotion of the efficiency of the armed forces of the Crown or of the efficiency of the police, fire and rescue services or ambulance services.
How to apply
All applications must include a paragraph of no more than 120 words summarising your application.
Applications can be made by letter sent to the registered office which is Eton House, 89 Station Parade, Harrogate HG1 1HF or by e-mail to
Your application should contain:
A short synopsis of the aims and activities of you/your charity/organisation;
Details of the project/projects for which you are seeking funding; and
The level of funding you are seeking
Our focus
The foundation’s current focus is to support charities and organisations whose aims are around education for disadvantaged children and young people, and support for parents and families in the Yorkshire region.
More detail may be found on the Charity Commission website.